Business Relationships That Go Bad

Are You Reading Your Vendor Contracts in its Entirety before Signing?

Don’t End Up Locked into a Contract That Doesn’t Work for You or Offer Flexibility

From time to time, every business faces the prospect of searching for new vendors. Whether it’s for new ERP software, copiers, or CRM software, businesses must keep up with evolving trends – acquiring and implementing the latest applications to stay ahead of their unique needs. When you’re preparing to sign a contract, however, you must ensure you have thoroughly evaluated what you are signing to make sure it works for you both now and in near future.

Bad Relationships

Bralin Technology Solutions is your trusted team of technology professionals – looking out for you and your business to make sure you are maximizing the value of all investments. Call (306) 445-4881 or (306) 825-3881 or send us an email at

As your trusted team of technology professionals, we are here to help you navigate through all vendor contracts that are complex, and unfortunately, often one-sided. We will ensure you’re signing an agreement that is fair and balanced – offering you exactly what you need to succeed. How do we do this? We will do the following:

  • Understand your unique needs: We will review what you are looking to achieve through acquiring and implementing a specific application. We will also establish what is absolutely necessary in terms of functions/services provided via the vendor to make sure you’re getting what you actually ask for; what you believe you need.
  • Assess and negotiate with vendors: We will ensure there is a clear and acceptable timeline for delivery expectations – and we will also make sure there are procedures in place for escalating/resolving any issues throughout the relationship, in order to ensure you’re signing a fair contract/agreement.

Plus, we will review the contract thoroughly, and keeping your requirements in mind, make sure you have peace of mind knowing you’re receiving a product/service that:

  • Adheres with industry-specific regulations
  • Stays within your specified budget
  • Meets the goals/objectives you’ve set out to meet

What about our service agreements? We’re an open book and will share our T&C’s with you. We will answer any questions and be glad to review with you, because we don’t like surprises anymore than you do. We feel that educated clients are our best clients!

Contact Bralin Technology Solutions at (306) 445-4881 or (306) 825-3881 or email us at for more information. We will help you take control of the vendor contracts you’re signing – before it’s too late and you’re stuck.

  • 104-2062-100TH STREET
    (306) 445_ - 4881
  • 6209 44th Street
    (306) 825_ - 3881