5 Tips for Working from Home – Securely and Productively

As many of us are working from home full time now, I wanted to share some quick tips to make sure we are both secure and productive.

First, on Security – see this link from the SANS institute for some great tips


Contained in the above link are suggestions for companies, for individuals and for parents; all of which are designed to help you to work safely and securely from home.

Second, here are a few tips on how to maintain a high level of productivity while working from home:

  1. Keep up a set schedule similar to your normal working hours. Start and end at normal times, and schedule normal times for breaks also.
  2. Have a designated work area. Even if this is not a full “home office”, set aside an area that is where you work and try to use that area just for work. Alert family and roommates that this is your “office” and just like they wouldn’t just come to your work office to hang out, they need to respect your space while you are working from your “home office”.
  3. Avoid mixing “home work” and “work work”. Just a quick load of laundry or a quick cleanup around the house may seem like a good idea, but it is distracting and will soon erode your productivity. Instead, take your normal breaks and enjoy the extra time you save by not having to commute to catch up on “home work”.
  4. Continue to find ways to exercise; preferably outside as the weather turns nicer. Of course, maintain healthy distances and avoid crowds if you are in an area where social distancing is the new normal.
  5. Socialize virtually! Use virtual tools to socialize with co workers during break times, similar to when you are in the office. And, after hours, use your new expertise with virtual tools to socialize with friends and family.  

I do hope these quick tips are helpful in keeping you both secure and productive as you work from home!

As always, wishing you a secure future! 
Brad Kowerchuk, CEO  

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